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Basic Headshot

Ideal for LinkedIn, Online Profile Photos, or Corporate Headshots

This package includes:

  • a minimum of 50 proof images to a maximum of 150

  • a 45 minute photo session

  • 1 final high-resolution retouched, digital image in both colour and black & white for unlimited usage

  • choose from a large variety of backgrounds and lighting set ups

  • additional final high-resolution retouched images can be purchased for $49

  • 50% discount offered on additional headshots for more than one person booked concurrently and using the same lighting/backdrop set-up

Basic Headshot Portrait for Andrea Seymore, Mental Health Support Worker, Peel Catholic District School Board


Deluxe Headshot

Ideal for realtors, actors, influencers or anyone needing more than one look

This package includes:

  • a minimum of 75 proof images to a maximum of 200

  • a 60 minute photo session

  • 2 final high-resolution retouched, digital images in both colour and black & white for unlimited usage

  • 2 different lighting set-ups and backdrops, photographed from waist up. 

  • B.Y.O.M.U.A. - bring your own makeup artist - we have a brightly lit makeup and hair station for you to preen pre-shoot. If you don't know any, feel free to contact us for suggestions

  • additional final high-resolution retouched images can be purchased for $49

Model Headshot Deanna Valorzi
Model Headshot - Deanna Valorzi


Premium Portrait Package

Ideal for realtors, actors, influencers or anyone needing a headshot and a full body portrait

This package includes:

  • a minimum of 75 proof images to a maximum of 200

  • a 60 minute photo session

  • 2 final high-resolution retouched, digital image in both colour and black & white for unlimited usage

  • 2 different lighting set-ups and backdrops, one photographed from waist up, the other full body, either seated or standing

  • B.Y.O.M.U.A. - bring your own makeup artist - we have a brightly lit makeup and hair station for you to preen pre-shoot. If you don't know any, feel free to contact us for suggestions

  • additional final high-resolution retouched images can be purchased for $49

Full Body Portrait of Realtor, Michael Iriotakis
Headshot for Michael Iriotakis


The Works

Ideal for small business owners, actors, influencers or anyone needing a variety of portraits for the website or social media feeds.

This package includes:

  • a minimum of 75 proof images to a maximum of 200

  • a 3 hours studio session

  • 6 final high-resolution retouched, digital image in both colour and black & white for unlimited usage

  • up to 4 different lighting set-ups and 2 different backdrops, photographed from waist up, or full body, either seated or standing.

  • B.Y.O.M.U.A. - bring your own makeup artist - we have a brightly lit makeup and hair station for you to preen pre-shoot. If you don't know any, feel free to contact us for suggestions

  • additional final high-resolution retouched images can be purchased for $49

  • photography assistant on hand to make the session run more smoothly

Fashion Photoshoot
Beauty Shot
Fashion Influencer - Neelam Ahooja
Fashion Influencer PhotoShoot


Location Photo Shoot

Ideal for companies needing several corporate headshots or other such portraits done on location 

Beauty Project - Groupe Fransyl
Beauty Project - Groupe Fransyl
Beauty Project - Groupe Fransyl
Corporate Headshot for FVB Energy Corporation
Corporate Headshot for FVB Energy Corporation
Corporate Headshot for FVB Energy Corporation

This work varies and requires a quote tailored to meet your specific needs, but often includes the following:

  • a half or full day of photography

  • travel to and from the location

  • set up and tear down of a maximum of 2 sets with 2 different backgrounds/lighting

  • up to 50 people photographed in one day, depending on the amount of sets

  • a minimum of 15 proof images per person photographed

  • photography assistant on hand to make the session run more smoothly

  • Black Facebook Icon
  • Black Instagram Icon
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